Feeling Lost?

Regaining control of your life means finding that balance between what you can and cannot control. It means understanding what you can take charge of and taking responsibility for those things. You may need to look at your actions and make some changes going forward.

Having said that for some this isn’t as easy as it seems!

We can’t control everything that happens to us. However, acknowledging this can bring us far more peace than attempting to work against it. If something that happens slows down your progress or causes your mental health to suffer, remind yourself that you are in control of your life direction, even if things happen that may make it more difficult to reach your destination. As long as you can re-adjust, figure out how you can still get to the life you want, and work towards that, you can maintain a feeling of control.

The goals that you set should be things that will enhance your life. This can help you stay motivated as you work towards these goals. If you are having trouble adjusting to goal setting and taking action, one great way to stay focused is to set small reminders around your work area or in your home. This can help you stay motivated in accomplishing the tasks that you have set for yourself.

You may want to have a tool that helps you track your progress as you cross off tasks and work toward your goal. For example, having a journal with a checklist of your tasks, a deadline for your goal, and descriptions of your feelings as you work towards what you want, can be helpful.

You are stronger and more powerful than you think! Sometimes you just need reminding with guidance and support. Here at For the Love of You- your needs will be taken into account every step of the way.